Low Deductible Health Insurance for Employers in Charleston, SC

Did you know that 96 percent of all businesses in South Carolina have less than 50 employees?

It’s also true that four out of five employees say that benefits are a deciding factor in taking a new job

or staying with their current company. With 80 percent of the workforce stating benefits is vital,

how can it not be just as important to you as an employer?

Group Benefit FAQs
  • Comprehensive Health Plus
  • High-Deductible Plans
  • PPO Plans
  • Health Savings Accounts (HSA)
  • Group Life Plans
  • Long Term Care
  • Group Dental Plans
  • Group Vision Plans
  • HRA Plans
  • Disability

Co-pays, RX Card, Low Deductible Plans

HDHP, HSA Qualified

PPO Plans

Health Savings Accounts (HSA)

Group Life Plans

Annual Refunds Possible

Group Dental Plans

Group Vision Plans

HRA, FSA, SEC-125 Plans Available


Invest in Your Team’s Well-Being with American Eagle Health Insurance

Your employees are a major driving force to your company’s success, whether you own a small business or a large corporation. That’s why, at American Eagle Health Insurance, we believe that investing in employer health insurance isn’t just a benefit—it’s a strategic move that can elevate your company.

Health insurance benefits are a major reason that employees stay committed to a company for longer, especially when those benefits meet their individual or family needs. Offering quality healthcare to your team not only demonstrates that you’re committed to their well-being, but it helps attract and retain highly-skilled individuals, leading to a healthier, more productive workforce.

Having employer health insurance also ensures your employees have the resources and means to keep their health in check while they are working for you. Furthermore, when employees have access to preventative care, they’re more likely to address health issues early on, resulting in fewer sick days.

Here at American Eagle Health Insurance, we offer a variety of low deductible health insurance policies for employers all over the Charleston, SC, area. Our knowledgeable staff are ready and available to help you select and purchase a policy that works for you and your employees—contact us today to get started.

Contact Us to Learn More About Our Group Benefit Plans

There are many ways to set up a Group Benefits Plan. The right strategy and planning can save your organization thousands of dollars each month! As employers continue to face rising premiums, the cost of health insurance has forced many consumers to reduce the Health Care Benefits that they offer. Additionally, they may be forced to restrict pay raises, reduce benefits and put off major company-related expenses.

At American Eagle Health Insurance, we have the right solutions and strategies for your business. This will allow you to focus on recruiting and retaining a skilled workforce. The best part is that a superior benefits package may be more affordable than you think!

Group Health Benefits

Call American Eagle, They Can Help!

The first step to see if you qualify for a better plan is easy. Call an agent at American Eagle Health Insurance today at 843-824-9225 for a complimentary benefit review.

If you’re ready to overhaul your company’s benefit plan while saving your company money and providing your employees with the best possible care, give us a call today.


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