Frequently Asked Questions

Medicare Coverage FAQ’s:

  • What are the eligibility requirements for Medicare?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • When is open enrollment for Medicare?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • How do I know what Medicare coverage is right for me?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • What benefits does Medicare provide?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • How much does Medicare cost?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • Is Medicare Mandatory?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • Do I need to be on Social Security to get Medicare Coverage?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • Can I still make changes to my current Medicare plan?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • What is the difference between parts A, B, C, and D?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • How soon after I enroll will my Medicare benefits begin?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

Individual/Family Coverage FAQ’s:

  • Am I eligible to enroll in an individual plan on the Marketplace?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • Can I apply for a policy outside of the open enrollment dates?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • What is a deductible?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • How much subsidy can my family and I be approved for?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • Are my doctors covered by my health insurance policy?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • At what age will I be removed from my parent’s health insurance?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • I just moved here. Is my policy still covering me in South Carolina?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • Can I still apply for an individual plan if my employer offers me insurance?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • I am a smoker; how will that affect my health coverage?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • How do I report changes to my income, family, or address?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

Group/Employer Coverage FAQ’s:

  • What are the requirements for my business to apply for a group health plan?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • What’s the difference between group health insurance and individual coverage?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • What are the benefits of providing group health insurance to my employees?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • Do I have to have a certain number of employees to qualify for group health coverage?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • Do all of my employees have to enroll in a health plan?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • If I offer my employees a health insurance plan, do I have to contribute to the premium?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • Will a group health insurance plan also covers the families of the employed?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • How are premiums determined for group health insurance?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

  • Is group insurance taxable?

    Call American Eagle, they can help! 843-824-9225

 Call American Eagle, They Can Help! Simply call 843-824-9225 to discuss your requirements.

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